From then on, whenever anyone received an unexpected gift, they thanked Nicholas. When the father saw what had happened, Nicholas begged him to keep the secret, but, of course, the news got out. It has been said that Saint Nicholas climbed on the roof and dropped the third bag of gold down the chimney where it landed in a stocking hung to dry, giving us a reason to hang up Christmas stockings today. So he kept watch and saw the bishop drop another bag of gold into the house.

When the third daughter prepared to marry, the poor nobleman was determined to find out who had been so generous. Later, when the second daughter prepared to marry, she too received a mysterious bag of gold. When the first daughter was ready to marry, the good bishop tossed a bag of gold into the house at night.

He is known as the friend and protector of all those in trouble.He is the patron saint of judges, murderers, pawnbrokers, thieves, merchants, paupers, scholars, sailors, bakers, travelers, maidens and poor children.He is the national saint of Russia and Greece and churches named after him number in the thousands - more than 400 in Great Britain alone.Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of just about everything.Saint Nicholas, lived 4th century, before Christianity was a main religion.According to legend, he makes his rounds on December 5, Saint Nicholas's Eve. Saint Nicholas is the immediate forebear of the North American Santa Claus.The accounts of his life are confused and historically unconfirmed.He is also noted for popularizing the Democratic party's donkey. He was a political cartoonist who happened to create one of the most popular images of Santa Claus. He was an American cartoonist after arriving in the United States at the age of six. He was born Septemin Landau, Baden, Germany and died Decemin Guayaquil, Ecuador. Thomas Nast was the first artist to draw Santa Claus as a fat, jolly, white-whiskered old man.Thomas Nast drew Santa Claus based on Moore's description cementing in this image. Nicholas', which showed Santa Claus driving a sleight drawn by "eight tiny reindeer" and in doing so he created an image we all have today. Although this familiar image of Santa Claus is a North American invention of the 19th century, it has ancient European roots and continues to influence the celebration of Christmas throughout the world.Santa is said to visit on Christmas Eve, entering houses through the chimney to leave presents under the Christmas tree and in the stockings of all good children.
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He is generally depicted as a fat, jolly man with a white beard, dressed in a red suit trimmed with white, and driving a sleigh full of toys drawn through the air by eight reindeer. Santa Claus, legendary bringer of gifts at Christmas.Any information that I could add please email is Santa Claus?.